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Salmon Sculpture for City of Coquitlam

In the spring of 2016 I was one of 12 artists chosen (via juried application) to paint a fiberglass salmon sculpture to help celebrate the 125 year anniversary of the City of Coquitlam. The piece needed to tell the story of the city. I used first nations inspired art in the eye of the Salmon to represent the Kwikwetlem First Nations band that first inhabited the area and worked hard to preserve the abundance of the salmon in the Coquitlam river. I also included elements that represent the Coquitlam river and the mountains that provide a backdrop for the city. The tree with its deep and intertwining roots represent the connection, growth and strength of the community. I held a contest to name the salmon and the winning name was ‘Kwik’. He is now on permanent public display in Mundy Park Coquitlam. Kwik loves visitors!

April Lacheur Art

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